Topic Brainstorm

 Indra, The Thunder God

This storybook looks really interesting because I immediately thought of Thor from the Marvel cinematic universe. I absolutely love marvel and their movies so I would love to learn more about this Thunder God.

Weapons of the Gods

This story caught my eye because I would love to read about the weapons that the gods used. Wether its something simple like a sword or something with magical powers like a staff, it is always interesting to learn about the different types of weapons that were used back then.

Voldemort's Reincarnation

I could not skip by this story without clicking on it and reading a little about it. I have all of the Harry Potter movies downloaded on my laptop and have watched them multiple times. If there is an Indian epic that is related to the Harry Potter movies at all then I am all in for it.

Ghost Stories... Where is Everyone?

I think I would really enjoy reading more about this story. I enjoy reading about supernatural beings and watching shows on ghosts. Even though I may be a little freaked out at the end of it, I do really like learning more about this type of stuff.


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