Week 3 Reading Notes Part A
Ravana Sings for Shiva
Ravana uses his own body parts to create a veena, a musical instrument. He played this instrument for Shiva and Shiva was so impressed that Ravana was gifted a sword that was crescent shaped.
Shiva Rewards Ravana
Shiva let Ravana wish for a gift. Ravana wished to be with a girl he saw which ended up to be Shiva's wife. He had to grant the wish so he duped an animal for him.
Meghanada, Ravana's and Mandodari's son, became a warrior in his fathers war and ambushed Indra, King of the Devas.
Shurpanakha, Mandodari's sister, told her husband to swallow Ravana. Vidyutijva obeyed and swollowed Ravana, but Shurpanakha cut him out.
Vishrava, Ravana's father, was a brahmin; his father, Pulastya, mind-born son of Brahma. Vishrava becomes Kubera
Yama, God of Death, was attacked by Ramana.
The Devas, Indra, Yama, Kubera, and Varuna hide from Ramana by hiding as animals
Rambha gets raped by Ravana,
Ravana encounters Vedavati, dedicated to the God Vishnu. Vedavati would later be reborn as Sita.
Ravana fights the King of the Haihayas.
Ravana fights the monkey king, Vali on the ocean shore.
Rama amazes Kaushalya by showing her that he can be in multiple places at once.
Rama faces Tataka
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