Week 9 Reading Notes
These are my reading notes for week 9 part A.
The Mahabharata by C. A. Kincaid
In the city of Hastinapura, there was a king named Vichitravirya, who died and left 2 sons, Dhritarashtra who is blind, and Pandu. Pandu becomes king and has five sons, Yudhishthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sahadeva. These 5 sons are known as the Pandavas.
Once Pandu dies, Dhritarashtra becomes king and has 100 sons with Queen Gandhari. Duryodhana is the eldest of the 100 sons. Together the Pandavas and Kauravas, who is Duryodhana, are the Bharatas.
Drona is the boys' teacher and Duryodhana get jealous that he is the worst. Duryodhana loses it when he hears that his father named Yudhishthira his heir. Duryodhana plots to kill the pandavas. He plans to burn them in their house but the Pandavas are warned by Vidura and the Pandavas escape though a hidden tunnel. A couple randoms die in the fire and everyone thinks it is the Pandavas
The Pandavas go into hiding as brahmins.
Bhima and Hidimbi, a monster, go off together happily.
Arjuna goes into a contest still disguised and wins draupadi.
Arjuna is to share what he won so 5 wedding take place as they all marry draupadi.
Pandavas get invited back to hastinapura and are given half the city and call it Indraprastha.
Arjuna has to go into exile because he enters unbidden into the Draupadi's room when Yudhishthira is there.
While in exile he marries Ulupi a water-nymph.
Arjuna is told by fire god Agni to burn down the Khandava forest with the Gandiva bow. He wakes up with the bow next to him and starts to burn the forest.
Indra arrives with pouring rain to stop is but Arjuna fires an arrow to create a roof above the forest.
Meanwhile Yudhishthira gambles with Duryodhana and ends up losing. King Dhritarashtra gives what he lost back. Yudhishthira then loses again and the Pandavas go into exile in the forest.
Yudhishthira gets a magical copper pot from the sun god in order to feed all of his people.
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