Week 14 Lab

 Learning about microfictions.

When I first clicked on the assignment I was only expecting to find 100 word microfictions. Once I got to the website I was excited to see that there were many different types of microfictions including 25 word and 6 word ones. I have read a lot of the 100 word short stories but I have never read any of the lower word count stories until today. I really enjoyed reading the 25 word stories because it lets the reader, me in this case, fill in the context before and after these 25 words. These words also give just enough context that the author gets the main point across of which was the story is going. I did not like the 6 word stories as much because they were open ended and relies on the reader to fill in basically everything. I think that I would really enjoy trying to write my own microfictions with different word counts. Although, I know that I would like the 25 word stories a whole lot better than the others. 


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